Your Wisdom Keeper
Feb 20, 2023As women, we do our best to hold it all - and there's a lot to flipping hold.
Here's the conundrum - we feel overwhelmed by all that we have to hold, yet we don't trust letting it go to anyone else.
What if it's not the way we'd do it? What if it's not right? What if they miss something, or I miss out on something?
You feelin' me?
How do you let go of what's on your plate when it feels easier to just do it yourself?
Turns out, there is this thing called slowing down.
Once I figured out how to slow down, I was able to really listen. Which opened the doorway to trust.
You see, we each have our very own wisdom keeper who guides us through the twisting and turning landscapes of our lives - she's called The Heroine.
When you slow down, you'll hear her ask you to be courageous and fierce, to trust, and soften, to open and let go.
She is the archetype of divinity because she is and has always been whole.
You know her deep inside your core.
You were born knowing her voice.
You may have only forgotten your ability to hear her.
You’ve been called in directions your whole life that have led you away from her, in essence, away from yourself.
It's the voice of your heroine that calls you back home to yourself, to the sacred temple of your heart.
🦋 Imagine the freedom of handing something off that you don't need to be the one to do and TRUSTING that it'll be ok.
🦋 Imagine easefully communicating all your needs and getting what you desire most.
I'm not saying getting to this place is easy... but, you are the heroine of your life and when you commit to yourself, you commit to freedom!
💥 That inner voice you may be struggling to hear becomes clearer.
💥 You align with your intuition, your wisdom, your grit, and your magic and every part of life get easier.
Avoiding the inner voice stalls your ability to hear the potential seeking you.
You cannot deny your heroine and call it living.
You LIVE or you exist.
Are you aching to experience exuberant wholeness?
You’ve come so far on your path already. Are you tired, restless, eager, and on the precipice of readiness for what’s next?
That readiness is the clue. It means you are beginning to hear your heroine’s call, beloved.
She’s beckoning you to take the next step. To move from what you've known to what is possible.
The embodiment of your heroine, of your wholeness, is the most powerful initiation.
I know this journey to wholeness - and it's not for the faint of heart.
But oh, how rewarding the journey of coming home to yourself is.
You can do it, with others who are also answering the call, in a brave community where hearing and being heard coexist.
In a circle, you are invited to slow down, trust yourself, and be held in your waking up.
It is sweet and sassy and fun and transformative. There’s nothing like it.
I’m inviting you to answer the call, to lean in and listen.
Receive support in your embodiment and be celebrated in your homecoming.
Sacred Heart Temple is launching soon....
The circle you didn't even know you needed. And I can't wait to share it with you.
Lay down your sword sweet sister, for I have come to hold your hand.
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